Friday, December 21, 2007

The Home Stretch

We are now at the home stretch of Christmas frenzy. It is time to take stock, check the list, and check it again. The gifts have been purchased, wrapped, and placed under the tree. The grocery list is done, the stockings are hung.

I believe I can relax.

I am so relaxed I have faith that two hats can be knit between now and the big day. That I can make a few "unscheduled" social calls.

I believe that I shall be able to follow the little Christmas tot's advice and spread some 'cheerful looks and words'.

And the reason for the change? I have taken Christmas "off" this year. For at least the last TEN years I was under the impression that it was my job to make merry for both sides of the family for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Each year I decorated, shopped, cooked, and cleaned.

And last year as I watched everyone else laughing and drinking after walking into my home empty handed, fully expecting me to make it happen, I had an epiphany. I was invisible. I was being taken for granted. And so this year it is not my turn. It is not my responsibility. Holidays will happend with or without me. I am not indispensible. And if taking a year or two off makes others appreciate my past efforts, then I must say this is a good thing.

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