Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Passion of Youth

And how I wish I could find it!

My son just got his driver's license and he is obsessed with fitting out the car with a proper sound system. My niece has a job in a law firm that has inspired her to go to law school. A woman in Chicago was "living Oprah" for a full year. My daughters fill their days with activities that focused on their personal goals.

Me? I got nothin'. Absolutely nothin'! And I miss that. I miss waking up in the morning itching to start the day. I miss the excitement that comes from each of those little milestones along the way. And really I need something to focus on...

...because one of my newest friends is moving away and I am feeling the loss. The last month has been filled with "lasts": the last time we will travel with 'our' group, the last time we get together for tea group, the last time we go to dinner and the movies...

I am trying to be positive. I know there are many 'firsts' to come when we meet again, but I am sad because it will not be the same. The girl who loved change is now the woman who is not willing to accept it in her personal relationships.

So, I am looking for an obsession to fill the void and am open for suggestions:)

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